956 643 543 info@pinturasjuma.com Zabal Bajo s/n Pol. Las Palmeras 11300 La Línea (Cádiz)


pinturas aplicadas en carrocería


Coloristic experts
All level bodywork solutions both on an individual and professional level. We supply expert consultation on repair shops.


Approved products
Bespoke processes tailored to the work needs. From intumescent to fosfatante painting… epoxies, polyurethanes, acrylic…

Pinturas para decoración


30 years of experience
We will help you, with friendly and personal attention, to choose the necessary products for your home or business project.


Interior and exterior
We sell everything necessary for the treatment of wood, regardless of use. Preventive and decorative treatments for all situations.


We sail together
Whether fishing, recreation, competition or transport. We have all the solutions that you and your boat need to go ahead.


Hand, electric and pneumatic tools
From hammers and drills to integral solutions for carpentry or workshops including sanding machines, vacuums, screwdrivers… always the top brands.